About the Physical Environment Consultative Council

As an independent platform, the Physical Environment Consultative Council (Overlegorgaan Fysieke Leefomgeving) develops the connection and cooperation between the central government and citizens, companies and other social organizations. The OFL develops this by designing new ways of cooperation and governance and applying them to national challenges in the physical living environment: the environment in which we live, work, travel and recreate.

Working together on an approach that transcends interests

We assemble civil servants and various people, groups and organizations from society in a confidential setting and get them to slow down to make contact and listen to each other. Participants gain new experiences and, from their specific role and perspective, learn to observe the big picture from another point of view. This facilitates the understanding of the other person's perspective and ensures an approach that transcends the interests of organizations and individuals. By making reflection and learning processes part of that collaboration, we ensure that the new skills to collaborate in a different way are also structurally embedded.

Independent chairmen and expert secretaries

The collaborative processes we design are always courageously and openly guided by a team chaired by one of our independent chairmen supported by a number of professionals and expert process managers.

Work program

The OFL draws up an annual work program with subjects that have been introduced by parties from central government and society. The work program covers the entire domain of physical living environment, with topics such as energy and climate, agriculture, water safety, the use of scarce space in and around the Netherlands and the ethical aspects of digitization in the field of OFL. In addition, participation and learning about governance play an important role in programming.


The OFL has legally appointed members, appointed by the minister as a member of the OFL in the Infrastructure and Environment Consultation Act. This concerns approximately 50 organizations, mostly advocates, umbrella organizations and large companies in the field of traffic, transport, nature and water. In addition, various interest groups and organizations, active or involved in the physical living environment have joined the consultation platform as an OFL participant. Participants of the OFL can influence government policy regarding concerns to the physical living environment.  E.g., they can advise the government on complex issues, collaborate with the government on various activities or propose subjects that are believed to require more depth.

Overlegorgaan Fysieke Leefomgeving
Rijnstraat 8 | 2515 XP | Den Haag
Postbus 20901 | 2500 EX | Den Haag
E-mail: info@ofl.nl

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